Laco Kerata: The Theater Life
– Slovakia

Born in Nováky in 1961. He spent his university years at the Academy of Performing Arts, where he studied theater directing and obtained a doctorate in dramaturgy. He writes various literary and dramaturgical works, and does not avoid even poetry or short stories. He is the author of several successful books, such as the collection of poetry Prišiel som, videl som [I Came, I Saw] (2000), the collection of short stories Mám sa… [I’m fine…] (2004) or the novel Suché roky [Dry Years] (2019). His latest work is the short story book Na okraji mojej hory [On the Edge of My Mountain] (2020), which is currently nominated for the Anasoft Litera Award. He worked in various theater projects, co-founded the avant-garde Stoka Theater or the theater association MED – My Experimental Drama. He works in the Slovak Radio, he is an author of many radio plays and he is active as an actor.