Veronika Šikulová: Feelings, emotions, tenderness
– Slovakia

She was born on March 15, 1967 in Modra. After studying at the High School in Modra, she graduated in journalism at the Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in Bratislava. She worked as a journalist and wrote prose at the same time. She published her first works in the literary supplement of the daily Smena, in literary magazines and in the collection of young authors Druhý dych [The Second Breath] (1985). She made her book debut in 1997 with a collection of prose Odtiene [Shades]. Since then, she published more than a dozen of books or contributions to anthologies (e.g. Domček jedným ťahom [House in One Move], Miesta v sieti [Places in the Net], Medzerový plod [The Gap Fruit], Petrichor [Petrichor] and others), for which she received several awards and gained popularity with the audience. She works at the Lesser Carpathian Library in Pezinok. She lives and works in Modra. Her latest novel non-novel Tremolo ostinato [Tremolo Ostinato] talks about music, words, writing and relationships, everyday home and garden work intertwined with reflections on literature and music. She mixes several currents of consciousness: a reflection of everyday events, even those that happened a long time ago and remained in memory as pictures.